Sunday, August 5, 2012

I'm Back.... Maybe!

       Well, long time no see! For the 3 humans who read this blog, I'm sorry its been over 2 MONTHS since my last post. My explanation... Blake and I steal internet from the office at our apartment complex and well, I guess the storm that came through a while back that made "our" internet not connect anymore was just God's way of saying, "Blake and Beth, have you ever heard of the Ten Commandments?". So now on my lonely Sunday afternoon while Blake plays disc golf I will sit peacefully at Starbucks (still not paying for internet) sipping my caramel frappe and tell you guys a little about life the last two months!
       Golly, since May?? Um... let's see. Oh! I can begin with Blake taking a new job! I couldn't have been more proud and happy for my hubby. As most of you know Blake was working at Jason's Deli. Having a degree in nutrition, he felt it was appropriate to have a job in food service. His hours there were a little crazy at times and we missed having down time together. He is now a leasing manager at The Bluffs apartment complex here in Ttown and is loving it so far! He has been extremely busy here lately since it is moving season for all the students at UA, but otherwise we love the time he has off!
       During some of that time off, we had an awesome 4th of July at his aunt and uncle's place on beautiful Smith Lake. It turned out to be a great day for sure, we ate too much, talked too much, and I even got a little sunburn. The weekend after the 4th we made a trip up to D.C..... Yep, we went all the way to D.C. and back in one weekend. It was a long but enjoyable road trip for myself, Blake and Kayla. You all probably know by now that Kayla is now a hip new resident in Washington D.C. and Blake and I were the lucky ones who got to move her up there. What's new, right? =) But we were able to get some good tourist pics out of it!
       On to Blake's family vacation that I went on and he didn't. Really. Blake's family had the beach trip planned for a few months and we were all so excited about it. But with Blake beginning a new job and the vacation falling right in their busy season he wasn't able to go. I, however, thoroughly enjoyed the trip with the Cagle's. Of course I ate way too much fried shrimp and key lime pie, but isn't that what vacation is for?
       Overall it's been a pretty great summer and fall and football season are right around the corner. Roll Tide! I'll try and do better and not wait 2 months until the next time I post. To be continued...

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